In 2020 Altura was engaged to review the options and feasibility of retrofitting a series of attractions to the existing Perth ‘Optus’ Stadium.
Altura's scope was to assess, document and certify the design of the equipment required to manage the height safety elements of the project. This was delivered alongside several other consultants and contractors including but not limited to @HassellStudio, @Arup, and @Multiplex.
The review included several components that take patrons from the ground floor up to the roof and through multiple attractions that offer a unique experience for the venue.
One of the greatest challenges was evaluating how to retrofit this type of experience to an existing asset. Generally, attractions of this nature are incorporated into the design phase of the structure; however, in this instance, it’s been retrofitted as a facility redevelopment.
From a design perspective, this project presented several challenges that crossed between safety, function, engineering, architecture, and operational requirements. Moreover, it was executed in multiple stages meaning each stage needed to be functional yet allow for the expansion and integration of the following stage without impeding the open attractions.
Almost two years later, the final piece of the puzzle was completed. The three main attractions completed include:
1. The Halo Roofwalk – this starts from level 5 where you ascend a staircase up several flights to the roof. Users’ then experience a 360-degree tour of the open roof perimeter while connected to a continuous anchorage rail system.
2. Eastern Seating Platform – 42m above the stadium field is a seating platform for 14 patrons that overhangs the roof edge. Users’ can experience the full range of sporting events, concerts, and everything in between from a birds’ eye view. Central to the seats is also a lean out attraction that gives those who have the nerve an opportunity to lean backwards off the platform.
3. Vertigo – on the western side of the stadium is a 10m unguarded bridge that extends over the goals. Users can test their limits by traversing the bridge or even leaning off it while harnessed from above.
We’re proud to have assisted in the delivery of this fully accessible rooftop experience which incorporates experiences unique to any stadium.
Special thanks to @Roofsafetysolutions and @Safetylink for their support and execution to deliver a product which tested every foreseeable parameter.
The Stadium Rooftop Experience has also since been awarded for construction excellence as "Best Public Use Building $5M - $10M (2022)" by the Master Builders of Western Australia.

Go and check it out!